Conference announcements: call for papers

International Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra for High Performance Computing (Haldikiki, Greece - September 19-25, 2011)

Because of the increasing availability of significant computational resources at accessible costs and the development of the multi-core processor technology, parallel computers with both shared and distributed memory architectures are becoming more and more popular among the practitioners. However, fully exploiting their potential might not be trivial and novel numerical algorithms are often necessary. For example, Krylov subspace methods for the solution of sparse linear systems or eigenproblems involve matrix-vector products, dot products and vector updates only, so they can be almost ideally implemented on parallel computers, but the computation and application of an effective preconditioner often is not, and currently this is one of the most debated issues in scientific computing.

The symposium aims at highlighting the most recent advances in the field of the numerical linear algebra for high performance computing. The covered topics include:
- conjugate gradient like and other iterative methods for linear system solution;
- direct solution methods;
- numerical methods for eigenproblems;
- preconditioning methods.
Both novel algorithms and parallelization of known methods with applications in Science and Engineering are welcome.

The symposium is included in the 2011 International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2011) held in Haldikiki (Greece), September 19-25. For more information, visit the Official ICNAAM website

Important Dates
(last update April 13, 2011)