Available research software for free download

1. BFSAI-IC OpenMP Implementation (Release V1.0, January 2011)

Coded by: Carlo Janna, Massimiliano Ferronato and Nicola Castelletto
Solves a symmetric positive definite linear system by the Conjugate Gradient algorithm preconditioned with Block FSAI-Incomplete Cholesky (BFSAI-IC). The code is written in Fortran90 with a shared memory programming (SMP) paradigm using the OpenMP application programming interface (API). For the theoretical background of the BFSAI-IC preconditioner, please refer to:

C. Janna, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati. A Block FSAI-ILU parallel preconditioner for symmetric positive definite linear systems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 32, pp. 2468-2484, 2010.

The source files are available for free download from the link below. The use of the code is regulated by the following copyright agreement.

BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION is freely available for scientific (non-commercial) use.

1. The code can be used only for the purpose of internal research, excluding any commercial use of BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION as such or as a part of a software product. Users who want to integrate (parts of) BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION into commercial products need to have a license agreement.

2. BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION is provided on an "as is" basis and for the purpose described at point 1. only. In no circumstances can neither the authors nor their institutions be held liable for any deficiency, fault or other mishappening with regard to the use or performance of BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION.

3. All scientific publications, for which BFSAI-IC OPENMP IMPLEMENTATION has been used, shall mention its usage and refer to the publication authored in 2010 by Carlo Janna, Massimiliano Ferronato and Giuseppe Gambolati reported above. Concerning the citation of the software package itself (current version is 1.0) we recommend to refer to it in the following way:

Carlo Janna, Massimiliano Ferronato and Nicola Castelletto. BFSAI-IC OpenMP Implementation. Available online at http://www.dmsa.unipd.it/~ferronat/software.html. Release V1.0, January 2011.

User's Guide Download
For the code sources, send a request e-mail to: ferronat@dmsa.unipd.it
(last update February 16, 2011)