Curriculum vitae
Giuseppe Gambolati received his doctoral
degree with honours in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of
Turin. His thesis was concerned with the mathematical modeling
of the dynamic behavior of a human body seated on an
off-road vehicle and involved both theoretical analyses and laboratory and
field experiments. The title of the thesis was: Study of the dynamic behaviour
of some types of seats for off-road vehicles.
graduating he joined the Department of Applied Mechanics of the Technical
University of Turin as an Assistant Professor. In 1969 he left the University
and joined the IBM Scientific Center of Venice with
the specific commitment of developing the mathematical model of anthropogenic
land subsidence of
In 1980 Gambolati was appointed Professor of Numerical Methods at
Gambolati is the
author of 300 scientific papers in internationally refereed journals, books and
proceedings, and two books of Numerical Analysis and Numerical Methods in
Engineering and Applied Sciences which are used as textbooks for both
undergraduate and graduate courses. With Pietro Teatini
he is the co-author of the book “VENICE
SHALL RISE AGAIN”, Elsevier, 100 pp, 2014.
He was Chairman of the VIII International Conference on
"Computational Methods in Water Resources" (Venice, June 11-15, 1990)
and the Principal Editor of the related proceedings published by Springer-Verlag. He also co-chaired the International Symposium on
"Advanced Methods for Groundwater Pollution Control" (Udine, May 5-6,
1994) and the Sixth Intenational Symposium on
"Land Subsidence" (Ravenna, September 24-29, 2000), and co-edited the
corresponding proceedings. He
is a current Reviewer for AES,
and has delivered several invited
lectures in international and national conferences, symposia and workshops.
Gambolati is member of several international associations and
serves, or has served, as Associate Editor or Member of the Editorial Board of
renowned international journals including Advances in Water Resources,
Transport in Porous Media, Environmental Software, Numerical Methods for
Partial Differential Equations and International Journal of Geomechanics.
He was Scientific Director (1997-2002) of the journal IGEA (Groundwater
Geo-engineering) and member of the Scientific Applications Working Group of the
HPC Advisory Committee with the aim to advise the Commission of the European
Communities on the action to be undertaken in the domain of High Performance
Computing. He was also a member of the initial Working Group of the CRS4
(Centro Ricerche e Sviluppo
Studi Superiori in Sardegna) where he developed the project on
"Contamination Modeling of Coastal
Aquifers" that he followed until 2000. From 2003 to 2008 he was a member of the administration board of
CORILA (consorzio per la gestione
He was the recipient of the 2008 IACMAG (International Association for Computer Methods and Advances
in Geomechanics) excellent contributions award for “significant contributions in research,
academic activities and professional service in different regions of the globe”.
In 2011 he was elected FELLOW of the
American Geophysical Union (AGU) for “his
unique and seminal contributions to geomechanical
aspects of subsurface fluid flow”. He was also appointed “Commendatore” of the order to the merit of the Italian
Republic by the President Giorgio Napolitano.
Gambolati has long been consultant to national and
international subsurface hydrologic and geomechanical
programmes, including programmes funded by Regional Governments (Friuli-Venezia
Giulia), Municipalities (Ravenna), the National Electricity Board (ENEL), the
Italian oil company (ENI-E&P) and the largest European operator in the gas
storage (STOGIT). He has coordinated the EU
environmental projects CENAS
(Coastline Evolution of the Upper Adriatic Sea Due to Sea Level Rise and
Natural and Anthropogenic Land Subsidence) and RACOS (Radionuclide Contamination of Soil and Groundwater at the
Lake Karachai Waste Disposal Site (Russia) and the
Chernobyl Accident Site (Ukraine): Field Analysis and Modeling
Study). He is the author of several numerical modeling
studies including those of land subsidence of
research and professional activity are mainly concerned with studies of natural
and anthropogenic land subsidence, groundwater flow, and subsurface contaminant
transport, and the development, validation and implementation of the corresponding numerical methods and
models in real world problems. Dr. Gambolati has
contributed original computational algorithms and innovative engineering and
environmental approaches to each of the aforementioned fields.